Project Profiles

Research Greenhouses are complex growing laboratories. Many include high levels of biological containment. We have extensive experience with BSL-2P and BSL-3P facilities.

Conservatories are often used for displaying a wide range of plants and allow public access. Due to the ability to control the climate in the conservatory, most are found in areas with colder climates.

Teaching Greenhouses are similar to Research greenhouse but typically have some public access. ADA Bench layout and circulation space is critical for Student and Teaching support. Insect exclusion systems are part of Integrated pest management (IPM) is commonly practiced in these teaching spaces.

Production Greenhouses are designed to utilize space efficiently to fit the most plants per square foot.

We provide various options for forensic engineering such as reports for insurance claims, grow systems testing, and re-designs for repairs.

Hydroponic growing requires a system of providing water and nutrients to the plant. We have knowledge and experience in designing hydroponic systems to be practical and effective in producing great crops.

With our team's combined experience we have the expertise to walk with your team through the complexities in the design process to fit your greenhouse needs.